What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a well-established and recognised healthcare treatment, which can help with a variety of, predominantly, musculoskeletal problems.

Osteopathy focuses on you, the patient, and is a whole body (holistic) approach to diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal injury, imbalances in your body and the resulting pain it causes.

Osteopathy not only targets treatment of an injured area but tries to find the root cause of problems, which may be distant and seemingly unrelated to the painful area.

Is Osteopathy safe?

Osteopathic treatment is an extremely safe and is a natural approach to health care which works with the body’s innate health and repair mechanisms.

It is a recognised allied health profession, and has the same safeguards that you would enjoy if you visited a doctor or a dentist.

Is Osteopathy regulated?

All osteopaths in the UK are registered and regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). It is against the law for anyone to call themselves an osteopath unless they are registered with the GOsC. This sets to promote high standards of competency, conduct and safety.

Will I receive treatment on my first visit?

In a word, yes. The primary aim of your initial consultation is for me to establish what is wrong and whether osteopathy is a safe and appropriate treatment for you. As part of the initial appointment I will conduct a medical history to understand your injury, and also any previous issues you may have had. Providing there are no contraindications you would receive treatment on your first visit. Sometimes, if I feel it is appropriate, I may refer you to another healthcare professional for further investigation or if I feel they are best placed to help you.

Is Osteopathic treatment painful? Will I be sore after treatment?

Generally osteopathic treatment relatively gentle, and patients are comfortable during and after the treatment. Some deep muscular techniques, however, may be uncomfortable but not so you are in agony. You are always in control and if anything feels too ‘painful’ then you can tell me, and I will change the technique.

Every individual responds slightly differently to treatment. Most will experience little or no discomfort, some patients report discomfort after treatment for about 24 hours, which will then subside – this is a completely normal response to treatment.

 Do I need a referral from my GP?

 No.  You don’t need a referral to consult me about a problem.

Do I need to tell my doctor that I am visiting an Osteopath?

You don’t need to advise your GP that you are visiting an osteopath. Osteopaths are trained to assess and understand your medical history and identify symptoms which may require onward referral. There may be occasions where I wish to contact your GP, but I will always gain your consent, and give you the information as to why that may be.

Will I need to take any clothing off?

This does depend on your symptoms but to make a full assessment, it is very helpful if I can see your whole spine and posture so you will be asked to removed some clothing. Your comfort and dignity are the most important part of the appointment. Most often, you may be asked to dress down to shorts and a sports bra/vest top. I suggest you wear clothing that you are comfortable to be examined in.

Can I bring a chaperone?

You are welcome to bring a companion with you. Please be aware that they will become party to all conversations during the appointment.

Anyone under the age of 16 should be accompanied at all times by a parent or appointed guardian.

How many treatments will I need?

I will discuss this with you at your first appointment. Typically, you might need 3-6 sessions over a period of several weeks, however if you have a longer term/chronic condition you may well require more sessions.

Some patients choose to visit at regular intervals for preventative maintenance treatments.

If you have any other questions – feel free to get in touch:

Email: harmeet@hjosteo.com

Phone: 07495 452255

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